Friday 10 March 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow rocks a bikini in Women's Health..

Her Goop-y ways have made her the queen of a million dollar empire, they have also ensured she is the butt of many people's healthy eating jokes. Whether it be speaking of the benefits of putting jade eggs in your vagina or steaming your lady parts, Gwyneth Paltrow does not care if you think she is weird. Fresh off an eight-day, goat-milk-only cleanse - to rid herself of heavy metals and parasites of course - the 44-year-old has dared to bare more than just her toned body in Women's Health magazine. The Goop founder showed off what her dedication to healthy eating, daily exercise and some alternative health practices has helped her maintain in series of bikini snaps for the April edition. Rather than speak to a journalist at the magazine, Gwyneth tasked one of her own employees with interviewing her about all things Goop-y and Gwynnie. And the Iron Man star made one thing very clear - she does not care of you think she is weird.

The star said she knows even her own readers judge: 'When you're at the forefront of something that's new, people can get really reactive, 'This is crazy! Why are you doing this?'

Then, five years later, everyone's fine with it. But that is cool with her: 'When someone doesn't like something you do, or doesn't share your interest in something, that doesn't have anything to do with you.

One of the best things someone ever said to me was that the only time criticism hurts is if you have a judgment about yourself about that very thing..

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